Searching for the perfect area rug to tie your room together? I feel ya.
When everything comes together just right with your new rug – the colors, the size, the style – it can really pull a space together.
That is, until those pesky edges decide to curl up and your gorgeous new rug takes on a life of its own. Before you know it, Fido has claimed that flipped corner as his new favorite napping spot.
Not exactly the look you were going for.
But it’s a common problem. In fact, I’d guess about 97% of all rug owners have struggled with a flippy floppy area rug at some point or another.
And hey, it’s 2024… we shouldn’t have to deal with unruly home decor anymore! The robots should be taking care of this for us!
Alas, we still have to put in a little elbow grease.
But don’t worry, as a professional özel halı üreticisi, I’ve wrangled my fair share of uncooperative accent rugs and am here to show you the best ways to get them looking photo shoot fabulous in no time.

Why Won’t Your Area Rug Lay Flat?
Before we get into the nitty gritty of rug rehab, it helps to understand what causes this annoying issue in the first place. Here are some of the most common culprits of curled rug corners and bumps:
1. Shipping and Storage
Chances are that cute new shag rug you just ordered didn’t show up at your doorstep neatly folded in a little box with a bow on top.
Most rugs spend at least some time tightly rolled or folded up for storage and shipping before they make it to your home. This causes the rug fibers to take on the curled shape even after you unwrap it.
Over time, the fibers will relax and the rug will flatten out on its own. But if you’re eager to get your space pulled together, you probably don’t want to wait weeks for the rug to decide it’s ready to lie flat.
2. Material Memory
Much like how your sheets come out of the dryer all warm and wrinkly, area rugs can develop creases simply from being folded or rolled up. This tendency will depend on the type of fibers used to construct the rug.
For example, natural fibers like wool and cotton typically hold their shape pretty well once rolled. Synthetic fibers like polyester and olefin are more likely to bounce back flat once unrolled.
3. Heat Exposure
This goes back to the whole memory concept. Heat can cause area rug fibers to relax and take on the shape of their current form.
Things like radiator heat, direct sunlight, or even excessive vacuuming can warm up your rug and exaggerate any existing creases.
4. Improper Installation
Believe it or not, prepping your space properly before laying down a rug can help prevent flips and creases down the road.
Making sure the floor below is completely clean and clear of debris can help the rug lie flat. Tucking the edges of the rug underneath furniture legs or up against baseboards rather than letting them stick out freely can also help weigh down problem areas.
Okay, now that you know what makes a rug go rogue in the first place, let’s talk about how to reform those unruly edges!
5 Easy Ways to Get Your Area Rug to Lay Flat
While a very wrinkly, very stubborn area rug may require some heavy machinery to get it looking pristine again, many issues can be resolved with some simple at-home tweaks using stuff you probably have lying around.
Here are my top 5 easy DIY methods for smoothing out a bumpy area rug:
1. Flip It Over
Sometimes the simplest solutions do the trick. If your rug has areas that are curling under where you can see the underside of the rug, try flipping the entire thing over.
The weight of the rug will help flatten out the problem spots. You can even fold the edges under slightly to really train the fibers to stay put.
Leave the rug upside down like this for 1-2 days before turning it back over to see if the underside trick did the job.
2. Weigh It Down
No need to dig out the barbells for this one. Just about any household items that have some heft to them will do.
Books, vases, boxes, or small furniture pieces work perfectly. Simply arrange the heavy objects around the edges or bumpy areas of the rug, making sure to focus extra weight on problem spots. The pressure helps to flatten out creases.
Leave the weights in place for at least 24 hours before removing them. The longer you can leave them, the better.
3. Roll It Backward
Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire when it comes to a stubborn curled rug edge. Try rolling the area rug in the opposite direction to remove a crease.
Start by lifting the rug off the floor and slowly begin rolling it the opposite way that it’s currently curled, keeping the back/underside of the rug facing out.
Secure the rolled rug with twine, ribbon, or a belt to hold its shape. Allow it to sit rolled like this for 24-48 hours before unrolling and laying flat again.
4. Apply Some Heat
Warming up rug fibers helps them become more pliable and relaxed so they loosen their hold on those creases and bumps. Here are two safe ways to apply some heat to problem areas:
Try a hair dryer: Use the lowest heat setting and hold the dryer about 9 inches above the rug, continuously moving it over the area to avoid burning the fibers.
Iron it out: Put a cotton cloth down between the rug and iron first before gently running over bumps and edges on the lowest heat setting. The cloth protects the rug fibers and allows the heat to penetrate evenly.
In both cases, avoid holding the heat source in one place for too long. And make sure to fluff and smooth the rug fibers in the opposite direction of the crease as you heat it.
5. Use Moisture
For especially stubborn crease and bump issues, give some moisture a try along with the heat. The water helps to relax the fibers even further so they’ll loosen their hold on bends and folds.
Lay the rug out as flat as possible and use either:
A spray bottle filled with water: Mist over problem areas then lightly run a hair dryer back and forth over the spot until dry.
Upholstery steamer: Carefully run the steamer over problem areas, avoiding holding it in one spot for too long. Allow rug to fully dry laying flat.
When using any type of moisture on a rug, make sure to review the manufacturer’s care instructions first. Some materials and dyes may bleed or stain when exposed to liquids.
When Should You Call in a Rug Professional?
While most minor area rug issues can be smoothed out with home methods, more severe creases may require professional intervention. Here’s a quick guide on when to consider calling in backup:
- You’ve attempted home remedies with no success
- The rug has remained tightly folded/rolled for many days, months, or years
- Creases are very prominent and very set into the rug pile/fibers
- The rug appears damaged, frayed, or delicate
- You notice color bleeding or stains appearing on the rug after manipulation
- You’re working with a highly valuable, heirloom, antique, or specialty rug
Rug care specialists have access to commercial machines that safely emit high concentrations of moisture, heat, and pressure all the way through the fibers to relax creases from the base up.
They also have the expertise to handle fragile, intricately-crafted, and highly-valued rugs without causing harm during the flattening process.
While sending out a rug can get pricey depending on its size and condition, it may be worthwhile for very stubborn issues or irreplaceable rugs needing some rehab.
Curl, Crease & Bubble Be Gone!
Dealing with an uncooperative area rug bringing down your decor can really put a damper on your space. But hopefully now you have plenty of solutions in your arsenal to whip those pesky edges into shape!
With a little gravity, pressure, heat, and TLC, you can have even the most stubborn shag, wool, or antique rug looking photo shoot fabulous in no time. No advanced degrees in Textile Science required!
What tricks have you tried to get your area rug lie flat? Did any old family secrets do the trick that I should add to my list? Share your smoothing stories and let me know if these tips worked to breathe some life back into those unruly edges!